13 December 2013

New Zealand via Instagram

Jsme tu něco přes dva měsíce, tak tady je taková malá ukázka toho, jak si tady žijeme!

Waitakere: Upper Nihotupu Dam

Minulý víkend se v Aucklandu udělalo krásně! S počasím to tady nění žádná sláva, během jednoho dne se tu vystřídají všechny čtyři roční období a na předpověď se tu moc spoléhat nedá. Každopádně jsme ráno z okna uviděli sluníčko, tak jsme vyrazili. Dobrá věc na Zélandu je ta, že tady máte vždycky kousek do přírody! A tím nemyslím jen nějaký parčík! Najde se tu pořádná džungle! A jelikož jsme milovníci zdejších stromů, do jedné jsme se vypravili! 

3 December 2013

Auckland - Long Bay

Během našich prvních dní v Aucklandu jsem pracovali na Nort Shore, v Browns bay. "Must do" našeho výletu bylo dobrovolničení. Vybrali jsme si servr helpx, kde si po registraci najdete místo, kde chcete pracovat, konkrétního člověka, s ním se spojíte a jde to jako po másle. Byla to po farmě naše druhá zkušenost s dobrovolničením a byla úplně odlišná - nebyli jsme na farmě, ale ve městě, ačkoliv ne úplně v centru. Pracovali jsme čtyři hodiny každý den, stali se z nás zahradníci a za dva týdny jsme ze zarostlé džungle udělali krásnou zahradu, kterou kdysi byla. 
Během volných chvil jsme během těchto dvou týdnů dopřávali pláže! Kousek od Browns bay je Long bay - podlé mého názor pejskařská pláž, hlavně ráno. Ale má svoje kouzlo! Kor pro nás, když jsme ze země, která nemá moře! 

23 October 2013

New Zealand: trip to the north - camping

New Zealand: trip to the north - hot pools

The very north of New Zealand: Cape Reinga

Když člověk natrefí akčního a přátelského místího není rozhodně nouze o zábavu.
Přesně to se povedlo nám, když jsme měli to štěstí couchsurfovat u kamaráda Roryho. Ten se nám postaral o vskutku akční začátek pobytu na Novém Zélandu. Hned druhý týden namyslel             úchvatný výlet, na který se nedalo nekývnou!

New Zealand: Sheep Experience

New Zealand mens mainly three thing to us: sheep, Lord of the Ring and kiwi (the bird). And we simply wanted to see all of them. We can say "done" to the first one. We are living the sheep experience right now. Without volunteering it wouldn't be the right gap year. We were lucky to find one British-Kiwi family living close to Auckland. And there is everything I've been dreaming about here: sheep, cows, sheep, horses, sheep, chickens, dog, sheep, cat, sheep, never-ending grassland, impermeable jungle full of colourful birds, sheep, nature, sheep, sheep, sheep, sheep. It is a paradise. 

17 October 2013

New Zealand: Auckland

Okolí přístavu, nákupní komplex plný obchodů a kaváren jménem Britomart opravdu působí jako malá Británie. 

15 October 2013

Taipei: Taipei ZOO and Maokong

Taipei: Shida night market

Noční trh Shida se za poslední dva roky změnil k nepoznání. Nikdy nebyl tím největším nočním trhem v Taipeii, ale měl úžasnou atmosféru, např. každovečerní honičky policie a ilegálních prodejců, kterým pomáhaly unikat před zákonem davy návštěvníků - mezi nimi policejní scooter jen těžko projel. Údajně kvůli klidu v ulicích se začalo mnoho obchoůdků a restaurací stěhovat jinam, např. k okolí National Taiwan university, nebo úplně zavírat. Přestěhování některých podniků ovšem vedlo k jejich zkáze, už nejsou to co dřív. Tak jako tak stále se jedná o noční trh, který ráda doporučuji ostatním, jelikož na něm člověk najde potřebné a není to tak turistické místo jako tolik profláknutý Shilin. 

22 July 2013

My favourit places in London - Shoreditch, Hackney


We came from Edinburgh on Thursday! But we just wanted to travel and travel and travel and travel and again and again and never stop! So we did it again! Super fast decision and we are in Dresden! It is only one day trip and it is nothing new to us (I usually go there with my Mum, shopping trips, haha!), it is "only" Germany, but still I love the atmosphere there. The city center is super small but I love it there, it is always a nice walk. Well, not when it is 30°C! 

Edinburgh day 3

What is the worst thing of having friend in the place you go to? Well, if you have a place to stay and have fun till late hours, you won't wake up! We had five days in Scotland, but we lost every single morning - we were sleeping! So it was day three or four, maybe, when we finally went to the Edinburgh castle! But don't ask us about it, we don't know, we didn't go in, the entrance was £16! And that is a lot when comparing to all the nice prices in Edinburgh. I was really surprised! Never mind, we had really nice afternoon discovering the little streets around Princess street, under the castle and around. We had some delicious Shake away shakes and we found amazing Brazilian pancakes, close to  the Meadows (the biggest park, close the castle), on Lauriston Place. I can really recommend! They have some super spicy ones and of course sweet ones, even my beloved lemon and sugar combination! Yummy! 

Edinburgh day 2 - Holyrood Park

When you are in Scotland you simply want to see some nature! If you don't have time to leave Edinburgh, you can simply make a little trip to Holyrood Park. It is only 15 minutes walk from the city centre. That's what I love about Edinburgh - it is super small so you don't even have to buy a bus ticket, you can just walk everywhere! Perfect!
What is Holyrood park? Simply three hills where you climb to see the whole city of Edinburgh. There is nothing special, but the view and the nature! Woow! If it wasn't that windy, I would sit there for hours! Climbing up there was super easy, not some challenging hiking, you don't really need much time to get to the top of the hill. Or you do if you stop every two minutes to take pictures as I did, haha. 

Edinburgh day 1

After two weeks in London, we decided to go to Scotland! Where? Edinburgh! I just love these hotheaded decisions! It was really fast! Something like: "Edinburgh?" "Why not?!! Book it!" Done! And we found ourselves in the bus heading to Scotland few hours later. 
We knew we want to save the money, it means take buse, not train. But when I checked the ticket from London to Edinburgh, it was super expensive, around £40 per person. But I didn't give up! And I found tickets to Glasgow for £17 and from there bus to Edinburgh, £5 only! Of course, it means almost ten hours in bus, but we don't really mind. 
So we said goodbye to our beloved London and next morning around 5am I woke up in the bus and saw something amazing: all the Scottish green fields, still drowned in the morning haze, sheeps  everywhere! Beautiful! 

4 July 2013

Eastbourne and the Beachy Head

How to get from London to Eastbourne:
It is bit different from Brighton, even though both of the towns are on the south coast, only few kilometer from each other. There  are only few buses every day going from London to Eastbourne / from Eastbourne to London. But there are trains going from/to Eastbourne every 30 minutes. Trains are really expensive here in England, but if you book the ticket few days before traveling, you can find really good offers. We found  £5 ticket from Eastbourne to London, we didn't book it in advance so the ticket was £7.50, but still it is not the usual price, the prices are usually 3 or 4 times higher. It took 1,5 hour from Eastbourne to London Victoria station. Check the Southern railway website


After few days in London we finally went to Brighton. Yeaaaah! I've been to England many many times, but never in Brighton. Everyone told me it is the most beautiful place in England - not full of people as London, but still big enough and! With the beautiful seaside. Well, people said many nice thing about Rome too and I didn't like it. But this time they were right!
We only had two days to see Brighton. But it was enough to see all the important places - the pier, the beach, city centre. 

10 June 2013

Taipei weekend markets

Last summer...

End of August, it means really hot days. Except the last two days, the were two typhoons flying around Taiwan, one in the south, one in the north. There are still some warnings in the south, heavy showers, strong wind. There is only one good thing about typhoons - it is not so hot! On Wednesday I was at school last time, from that time, I do nothing, just sleep till noon every day, have some breakfast, then go to night market with friends. So today I decided to make bigger trip - to Taipei weekend markets. But after breakfast! The traditional breakfast in Taiwan is the best in the world, I must say!

Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall

Last summer...

The typhoons are gone, so the terrible weather is back! 39°C and humid! I really don't know who had this great idea to make a cycle trip. And I really don't know who had this idea to wear narrow dress, long and very bright dress! I almost destroyed it by oil from my bike, jam in a cafe and then almost pull it apart, accidentally, of course. And of course, long dress like this is very uncomfortable for biking and of course, narrow dress like this is very uncomfortable in this terrible weather!!!